One-on-One Yoga Therapy Support

Since its inception in 1976, the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram’s hallmark has been it’s unique approach to individualised Yoga therapy, as envisioned, developed and established by our teacher, Śrī TKV Desikachar. In the last 45 years, we have had over a hundred thousand care-seekers with more seeking Yoga therapy every month.

The Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram is happy to announce that it will be offering one-on-one Yoga Therapy support sessions (online) all seven days of the week.

These online sessions are offered to cater to the needs of those who seek online Yoga Therapy sessions and for those living outside of Chennai or India.

A senior Yoga Consultant will meet the care-seeker online and understand each student’s current needs and requirements and design a suitable practice. A Yoga Therapist will be subsequently scheduled to teach the practices on a one-on-one basis.

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