$24 Jun

Adhyayanam | A Yogasūtra Chanting Intensive

Mode | Classes will be held both online and at the KYM premises (Details Below)
Programme Fee | INR 4,200 per participant wanting to join online sessions and Rs. 3,600 per participant wanting to take these sessions at the KYM premises.

Our teacher Śrī T Krishnamacharya always emphasised that in order to understand the Veda-s, Darśana-s and other spiritual texts, they must first be memorised. To ensure that this done properly, in the ancient Gurukūla system, the teachers used to recite and the students would repeat the chants at least three times, following exactly the pronunciation and intonation. Once the student memorises the text, it enables them to study the text in depth, recalling the words and phrases.

Śrī T Krishnamacharya taught Yogasūtra with Svara-s to enable the students to memorise it easily. To simplify this further, he first taught the students the split version of Yogasūtra and then the classical version.

In this programme, participants will be taught both classical and simplified ways of chanting the Yogasūtra.

Online Sessions
Programme Duration |
July 2 to Oct 26, 2024
Days | Tuesdays & Saturdays
Time | 7 – 8 PM Indian Standard Time
Programme Fee | 4,200 per participant

Online sessions will be led by Ms. Bhooma Madhavan and Ms. Charulatha, both senior faculty members of Department of Healing Chants, KYM.

Audio recordings will be made available for a limited period of time at the end of every chapter of Yogasūtra.

Sessions at the KYM Premises
Programme Duration |
June 24, 2024 to Feb 17, 2025
Days | Mondays
Time | 5 – 6 PM Indian Standard Time
Programme Fee | 3,600 per participant

Classes at KYM will be led by Ms. Suhasini Senior Faculty of Department of Healing Chants, KYM.

This is a live practice session and audio recordings will NOT be made available.

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra
Mantra Mala
Learn Vedic Chanting